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Kent reveal survey results
Kent reveal survey results

For the second year running, Kent County Cricket Club has completed two comprehensive surveys, asking Members, Ticket Package Holders and Supporters what they think of the Club’s operation during the past year.

Over 1,000 people have completed the 2011 Surveys, a significant increase from 854 in 2010, with Members and Ticket Package Holders accounting for 467 of these, 53.6% up on the 304 in 2010. The separate Supporter Survey was completed by 611, 11.1% up on the 550 last year.

Commenting on the latest survey, Jamie Clifford, CEO stated that, “we are thrilled with the growth in numbers completing the survey and the positive feedback we are receiving.  It has been a very challenging year on and off the field, but it is encouraging to see that so many of our followers are recognising the changes being implemented and the genuine effort we are making to become one of the best county cricket clubs.  It is clear that we still have much to do to achieve this aim, but I believe the survey response indicates we are now moving in the right direction. It is also pleasing that improvements to the Club’s online strategy are visible.  This year, of the 1,078 surveys completed, all bar 38 were computer generated.”

Overall, Club satisfaction levels have recorded the most noticeable improvement, with both Surveys recording a considerable improvement in ratings.  Where in 2010 only 18.4% of Members and Ticket Package Holders, and 17.7% of Supporters rated the Club’s efforts as Good or Excellent, this year the ratings have improved to 44.3% and 46.5% respectively.  The 2011 Membership and Ticket Packages (modified in response to last year’s research) have similarly received positive approval ratings, with the cost and make-up of the year-long package improving its Good or Excellent rating from 35.7% to 59.5%.

“We can’t hide from the fact that times are tough,” stated Clifford, “so it was particularly pleasing to see our Membership and Ticket packages, plus the new match ticket prices rated so highly.  We know we have to work harder to deliver value and the range of benefits our Members and Ticket Package Holders want, so this feedback is vital to our continued development.”

The Club received overwhelmingly positive feedback to the direct question on whether 2011 ticket prices were correct, with over 80% in each survey indicating they were “just right”.  This followed negativity during the 2010 season and a decision at the end of that year to significantly reduce five of the six prices.

Of the many new initiatives embarked upon in 2011, the commitment to communicate more regularly, and the creation of the Club’s Extra Cover E-newsletter, received the most positive feedback.  All criteria evaluated were dominated by Good and Excellent ratings, with Supporters particularly impressed with the weekly newsletter.  Kent Cricket’s Open Day, Legends’ Walkway initiative and Squad Poster received similarly positive ratings.

The Club’s new website also received improved ratings on its 2010 predecessor.  Good and Excellent ratings from Supporters moved from 44.4% in 2010, to 64.2% this year, with Members and ticket Package Holders’ Good and Excellent ratingsmoving from 39.1% to 52.1%.  “Many of the supporters welcomed the introduction of ‘print at home’ tickets via the website.  The convenience and savings offered on ticket prices via pre-buy has been noted and used extensively.” says Clifford. “This year we sold nearly 20,000 tickets through this method and during the Friends Life t20 campaign, 92% of our pre-game ticket sales were printed at home.”

The Club’s evaluation of how matches are promoted again highlighted the dominance of online communication, with both groups rating web, email and E-newsletters well ahead of traditional news print advertising.  Online marketing was rated as Good or Excellent by 75.4% of Members participating in the Survey.  The equivalent Supporters Survey was even more positive at 84.6%.  Rating of traditional news print advertising, in the same area was 37.2% and 45%.  The greatest divergence in the Surveys was in the evaluation of social media – Facebook and Twitter.  Some 29.8% of Members rated this avenue as Good or Excellent, whilst Supporters, who tend to be younger, rated it almost twice as highly at 56.6%.

“There were many divergent responses to some of the questions, clearly showing us the challenge of operating and marketing a traditional sport, with new variations to a broad audience,” stated Clifford.  “It is pleasing to see a growing female participation in the Supporter Survey, and many of the comments we received recognised the efforts being made to draw in younger people. The surveys have given us great feedback on where we are at and how a very large group of people have responded to an array of changes introduced in 2011.  We are very conscious that we have a long way to go and this really is the beginning of a concentrated effort to come up to the standard we desire.”

